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Strategic PM

On the strategic level we provide

  • definition, development and implementation of a tailored business intelligence system including geo analysis with worldwide reach
    • we use highly effective tools which are based on easy to implement standard software
    • BI will be defined according to your business focus
  • full solution with tools, processes, skill enhancement of workforce, training and certification, program and portfolio management, set-up of PMO.
    It is possible to single measures out, such as
    • program and portfolio management using effective and proven tools
    • human resources development
    • strategic PMO
  • measurement of our results based on your return on investment
    • prior to any strategic engagement, an assessment of current results as well as the skill base is implemented
    • having established a baseline we will measure the results of the new initiative in terms of ROI

We work with the aim to provide a strategic project overview and improve overall project performance.

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+41-(0)61-423 8115

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